The people in tech support of PIA aren’t qualified to give advice about this, it’s really bad. The last time I had a conversation with support they didn’t know their files had a MD5/SHA256 hash… so I can’t go for help there…
NextDNS isn’t configured in any way, it’s just a number linking to a NextDNS account, just like So that would leak.
I need to find a way to connect to my VPN again without leaking and getting a pushed DNS…
Should I set OSMC to DHCP the request? or just set it to the router IP or should I set it to the NextDNS IP?
Because when I did put it to DHCP in MyOSMC the VPN connected, I just couldn’t see if there was a leak since the DNS leak addon is not available for Kodi 19.
If I add dhcp-option DNS would this prevent it from leaking? Is there any way to test this? I never used this in the config but the leak test was always ok back when the DNS leak test addon worked.
This bit doesn’t really matter, we just need a dns server that can be accessed so ntp and openvpn start correctly.
From what I understand this does essentially what the 3 lines in the config file used to do, its just using private IPs rather than public. So yes this should prevent leaking.
So I can use any DNS? too? It will be replaced once the server connects?
So if the VPN shuts off, what happens? Nothing except for the VPN will be able to connect? That’s what I’m trying to make happen because it does shut off pretty often and doesn’t reconnect, even with watchdog enabled I have to restart. That’s why I want it to killswitch, including DNS requests. I think dillthedog told me to use the 3 lines in my openvpn.
Does it matter where I put the dhcp-option DNS in the config?
There’s a matrix version of the DNS leak test addon that isn’t in the kodi repo, if that’s useful. You’ll have to install via zip. Google ‘dns leak test addon matrix’ and there’s a link in a Reddit post to version 1.1.3. Works well for me.
I can only find 1.1.2 on GitHub but the link in the Reddit post to 1.1.3 works just as well as it used to in Leia. I downloaded it on my laptop, transferred zip file to kodi and installed from zip, although I’m sure you can do this in one step via the command line.
Here’s the link
He has been inactive for a long time, I might install it, I’ll wait and see what Tom_Doyle has to say about my post above and if he thinks it’s safe enough to install, but thank you! I really liked that program.
Its needs to replace those 3 lines, so it should be at the bottom after disable-occ.
If that’s the watchdog I posted a while back, I don’t think its working as expected. I’m going to try a rewrite, I’ll ping you if I get anything worth testing.
I think it was and it doesn’t work that well. PIA OVPN broke need help with new setup (NextGen) - #60 by Tom_Doyle it was in that post.
But is there a way to prevent OSMC from connecting to anything except for the VPN? I don’t want it to leak when the VPN breaks down again, which happens often…
Yes but if the connection breaks doesn’t it still try to query TMDB and all other things with your own IP if the VPN is off since it allows udp on port 53 for eth0
sudo iptables -S
-A OUTPUT -o tun0 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p icmp -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -d -o eth0 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --sport 22 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp -m udp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp -m udp --dport 1197 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -j DROP
Yes and its not easy to prevent this and its beyond the scope of OSMCs support. I think it’ll be easier to fix the watchdog, I’m nearly got something together.
When you want to install addons it gives a popup in OSMC that “for security, installation of add-ons from unknown sources is disabled” and if you want to enable it. “Add-ons will be given access to personal data stored on this device. By allowing, you agree that you are solely responsible for any loss of data, unwanted behaviour or damage to your device. Proceed?”
That was what happened before, it couldn’t query when connection wasn’t available, I think. I want that again, I don’t want to keep sending requests to cloudflare with my own IP, even if it’s nothing important, that’s why you have a VPN to begin with.