If you have interest in streaming your Plex library outside of your home I’d suggest that you would be better off going with a PC based Plex server or else a NAS that has support for both running the server as well as transcoding. I have a number of people who regularly stream from mine and the need to transcode because of client format support or bandwidth issues is common. Also, if you have any decent sized library Plex’s database and metadata files can get quite large with might be an issue. I also wonder how long it would take scanning in content if you have enabled intro and commercial skipping detection.
If you have another TV without an option to directly run the Plex app on it you can also run a Plex in Kodi using a very similar interface with the PlexMod for Kodi add-on. You can even set in its preferences to automatically open the Plex add-on when Kodi starts.