DNS problem - resolv.conf without nameserver

Think you’ve found a bug in ConnMan, or your router.

Easiest solution: hardcode a DNS server.
Harder solution: try dhcpdump (apt-get install it first) and upload the output.


I can’t find my First Bug badge on my profile :disappointed:

The DHCP response seems OK, but connman says

src/wispr.c:wispr_portal_detect() Could not get nameservers

See the filtered and truncated logs.

I have the same problem. my DHCP lease was set to 2 hours, and indeed after about two hours I loose internet connection from my PI 3, and needed a reboot. Ethernet link.
I increased to 2 days, and also put static dns in resolv.conf
Lets see

Please start a new forum post if the issue persists, as there have been quite a lot of improvements since then.
