Eth0 not connected- vpn setup issue?


Been looking in to this again, since dill posted. I’m currently testing a solution, but my vpn is pretty solid; but simulating a drop; it worked. You could try this:


Description=OpenVPN Watchdog timer




Description=OpenVPN Watchdog service

ExecStart=/bin/systemctl restart openvpn@pia_Ireland


sudo systemctl start openvpn-watchdog.timer
sudo systemctl enable openvpn-watchdog.timer

Please take notice we are starting and enabling the timer here, not the service; won’t work if openvpn-watchdog.service is enabled.

The timer is just scedule for the watch dog service to run every 15 min. The server checks if /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/tun0 exists, if it does then the watch dog service does nothing and process is repeated in 15 min. If /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/tun0 doesn’t exist, it means the tunnel has dropped and restating the openvpn@ service should bring the vpn tunnel back up.

Based on this:

Thanks Tom.