Flirc no longer works

Right. No USB at all, whether it be IR dongle or keyboard

Have you tried both ports?

Can you share some photos of the power supplies you are using (the specs are usually on the inside of the plug)


And yes, tried both ports.
The keyboard makes a sound indicating it is drawing power fine, but it doesn’t operate and there are no messages in dmesg showing a device being detected

Do you have a USB-A to A cable?

How do you mean, a Male to Female?
If so, yes

Just a male to male cable so you could power the Vero from a device like a laptop via its USB port and rule out a PSU issue

Hmm, I wasn’t aware it could be powered via USB.

Best I have is a USB A to USB C cable, and I can’t seem to get that to power the V, either from a laptop USB C port or from an USB C PSU

Those cables don’t work for power but for data.

Right, then I guess I don’t have anything for powering except the 3 PSUs from osmc boxen

I will get back to you about this shortly. It is a bit late here

Yeah no hurry or stress. I have the spare vero4k working fine while the V is out of action so I’m not blocked on having a way to watch anything

We can send you a new PSU for you to try, or replace the device, but I would suggest trying with a USB-A cable first. Maybe you can borrow one from a friend.

The closest I’ve found is a USB A to USB B cable. Everything else I have is USB C. And to be honest, even if I do find a USB A to USB A cable, I don’t have any laptops remaining with USB A ports. Everything here is USB C. So I’m not sure I’d be able to power it even if I find a cable.

Fair enough – it might be worth contacting to arrange for the device to be returned.

I’m not sure if this is going to help or not, but today I let the unit sit there in a working state, and noticed it kept disappearing for chunks of time (according to the monitoring of it)

Some nice kernel issues in the log there, but again not sure if this helps or not

Thanks for the log, and patience.

I think you may need to reinstall OSMC immediately.

From your logs, it looks like someone is repeatedly trying to access your device and may have done so. I can see a lot of references and login attempts from a number of Iranian IP addresses. I see you have some sort of Tailscale VPN setup. Make sure SSH is not publicly exposed to the Internet.

The kernel panic is caused by a problematic WiFi driver in the release you are using. Updating to the latest version of OSMC should resolve this.

Heh… Thanks for the concern but the ssh logs are normal. Just my local monitoring confirming SSH is up and running by attempting a connection. And the successes are me logging in. Yes all SSH is over tailscale and the port isn’t exposed to the public internet.

I’ve updated the osmc image to fix that wifi issue, cheers