Hauppauge DualHD not found on Vero4K

Here is the patch: http://paste.osmc.tv/ofixoxonib.diff
@sam_nazarko it’s against older sources, which I still had, but it seems this part is not changed very often, so maybe you can use it as it is and make a test build for @boehan ?
(funny thing is that osmc already seems to have the actual firmware file “dvb-demod-si2168-d60-01.fw” here GitHub - osmc/dvb-firmware-osmc: DVB firmwares repository :slight_smile: ).


Hopefully the issue is now addressed

I’d appreciate it if you could test this and provide feedback before we potentially release this as an update to other users. To test this update:

  1. Login via the command line
  2. Run the following command to add the staging repository:
    echo 'deb http://apt.osmc.tv bullseye-devel main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/osmc-devel.list
  3. Run the following commands to update: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && reboot
  4. Your system should have have received the update.

Please see if the issue is resolved.

I also recommend you remove /etc/apt/sources.list.d/osmc-devel.list after updating.

This will deactivate the staging repository. You can do so with the following command:
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/osmc-devel.list.

Please note that we will automatically disable this update channel after 14 days on your device in case you forget to do so to ensure that your system reverts to the stable update channel.

@KickerTom thanks for your investigation and the fix. And thanks @sam_nazarko for the fast implementation. The device is now correctly recognized and works as expected :+1:

I’m glad to hear this. This will be made available in the next update



Cool, thanks for the feedback and thanks @sam_nazarko for the amazing support.

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