Hide $RECYCLE.BIN on all external USB HDD's

Please don’t take that as an endorsement though. I use an old version from back when it was still open source. The program works rather well but it is not particularly simple for the initial setup and the person who owns it IMO presents himself on forums as rather rude. The cost to legally use the current version also seems excessive to me. I use it, I like it, but I will be really happy when there is a open source or shareware clone available from someone else.

I use WinCatalog 2020 found here:

This program most likely works differently to yours.
As I put files of any type on an external HDD, I run this program which indexes the contents of the HDD.
I have 35 external HDD’s and all of their content is in this Indexer. I run an SSD in my laptop, so the speed of searching is so fast. For instance, I open WinCatalog & enter the name of a movie, press search and the information about it, including its location, is shown in approximately 2/3 seconds.

Wow… just wow

That is a completely different thing. What your using is cataloging so you can find your media. What I was referring to, and what FileBot does is an advanced form of rename and sort. Basically I throw some files at it and it matches them to entries online (just like Kodi does to generate its library) which it then uses to rename and move the files to the location I’ve set. This leaves me with consistently organized files that (almost) always scrape correctly as they have file names that correspond to the same scraper that Kodi uses.

How did you fix it, actually? I’m curious to know what steps you took to resolve the issue. In the meantime, I just found an interesting article about the recycle bin external hard drive here: https://www.hаndyrecovery.com/recycle-bin-on-external-hard-drive/. It covers various problems related to the Recycle Bin on external drives and offers potential solutions that might help you find some answers

As of the newest OSMC release these should be hidden automatically as we have placed the following in a system level advancedsettings.xml file to effect this change…

     <excludefromscan action="append">
     <excludetvshowsfromscan action="append">
     <excludefromlisting action="append">
     <excludefromscan action="append">
     <excludefromlisting action="append">

@darwindesign, thank you very much to add those exclusions to OSMC v21.1. :+1:

Allowed me to remove them from my custom advancedsettings.xml.

Would you also be able to do that in a next OSMC release or patch version for the Pictures section please?

Those @eadir folders are also popping up in there.


Thanks in advance!

Your very welcome

I can bring it up to the team to see what they have to say about it. I can’t personally think of a reason not to. To be honest I didn’t even think about pictures when we were putting it in and I don’t remember it ever coming up for discussion.

Thank you very much, I use a Synology NAS on the NAS the recyle folder is named #recycle can you for the next release add the term on your side I add it on my side and it works fine, I don’t know how other NAS prepare there bins but maybe there are some more to add.