How to create a KODI entry to run a script?

I uninstalled the disabled keymap editor and then installed it again from the main repository. Even though it looks a bit unfamiliar at times it seems to work so I sat down and tried to map out all of the keys on my Philips remote.
Turns out that most keys do not send anything at all to the OSMC box! One example is the play button, which if I try mapping it just returns immediately but with nothing!
Most other keys do not return anything at all and keymap editor returns after the timeout.
So here are the codes that are actually returned:

Stop = 224
Rewind = 226
FastForward = 227
Pause = 230
Play =  (returns immediately but changes nothing)

Play = empty, though it returns immediately upon pressing

Any other of the remote keys either do nothing or switches some TV function which makes Kodi disappear.

Given the above I have now changed the mapping as follows:

      <key id="230">System.Exec(/home/osmc/bin/getstreamlist)</key>

And now finally it works, even though the play button I use with the LG TV cannot be used so I used pause instead.

Mystery solved! :smile:
And thanks again!

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