How-To: Vero 4K+ hd-idle install to spin down USB HDD's that otherwise won't

My pull request was accepted - so should build more easily for the next person to try.

To get the necessary version of Go (16 or higher) …
edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add these 2 lines to the end (might only need the first one)

deb Index of /debian bullseye-backports main contrib non-free
deb-src Index of /debian bullseye-backports main contrib non-free

sudo apt update

sudo apt-get install “dh-golang” -t bullseye-backports
sudo apt-get install “golang-go:native” -t bullseye-backports

then type:
go version
and you should get
go version go1.19.3 linux/arm
(or higher)

Then follow the instructions in the first post in this thread.

Then, for safety, take out the lines that were just added to /etc/apt/sources
sudo apt update