Hey. Thanks again! I am running the server with the 23 fps setting in the .conf file now. Yet I am miles away from being able to actually watch a movie via VPN.
Naturally this is nothing I was really dependent on anyway so it’s not a big deal. But it is a little bit bugging me since the pi isn’t even running on max load.
Sadly everything seems to be in order so it’s really just the VNC thats spooky.
In my opinion VNC is mostly used to help elderly people with using the pi. I know i am one of them. So it basically allows you to remotely use the menu, etc, besides the basic web-interface.
Its not meant to be used for vpns or streaming.
Hi all.
I am having the same console screen output, except that i only have a single line (xxx/xxx Picture (014fp)x=…
THe x0,y0 and y1 calues dont’t change and my mouse/keyboard actions on my vnc vindow are ignored ??
The “sudo modprobe evdev” action don’t resolve anything for me .
Any other ideas, because a lot of people are reporting the remote display on vnc is working well.
Best regards from Toulouse\France
2 posts above yours…did you try that vnc server instead ?
I remember having a similar problem like the one you are having but (if i am not mistaken) it was because i was using a wrong vncserver distro.
Try the one i just sent.i bet it will work.
Not sure which version you ending up installing but try doing: vi /etc/dispmanx_vncserver.conf
Is that file even present ?
If not here is what i have in it:
osmc@osmc:~/dispmanx_vnc-master$ ./dispman_vncserver -h
Open display[0]…
Display is 1920 x 1080
Server bpp:16
Server bigEndian:0
Server redShift:0
Server blueShift:10
Server greeShift:5
22/11/2015 21:38:33 Listening for VNC connections on TCP port 5900
22/11/2015 21:38:33 Listening for VNC connections on TCP6 port 5900
open /dev/uinput returned 7.
First write returned 1116.
ioctl UI_DEV_CREATE returned 0.
One post above yours there is a github repo (patrikolausson) that has another version of vncserver. When i first wrote this tutorial that didnt exist. Its a much better version of vnc and i dont have the rights to edit my first post to add this version instead. Can you try installing this one instead and see if it works ?
(Thats what i currently have as well)
ps: I am using VncViewer btw to log in my pi…and if you have a router in your house, make sure you port forward port 5900 to your pi’s local ip.
Not sure how you are connecting to it from your machine, but you need to put the local ip of your pi in vncviewer.
(Couldnt figure out from your post with the firewalls etc if this is what you are doing…just wanted to make sure )
Hello, I would really love to install the VNC Server on OSMC (Raspberry Pi 2)
but while following the tutorial I am already running into problems when trying to install:
sudo apt-get install libvncserver-dev
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
libvncserver-dev : Depends: libgnutls28-dev but it is not going to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.