Not booting after December update

Yes that can corrupt your filesystem. You always (if at all) shutdown either via the Kodi Power menu (at the bottom) or if Kodi crashed via ssh reboot.

Alright, thanks for the tip. Moreover, I did a clean install yesterday and everything works now.

It was the physical switch on the micro-SD to SD card adapter, thus the Macbook air accepted the card as read-only. I moved the switch to upward position and Macbook air now accepts the card read&write. Stupid, I know.

Sorry for the late reply due to intense family holiday food fests.

I confirm that the newest update updated perfectly on my Pi2, installed through Noobs - so the problem is fixed for my Verbatim SD Card.

Seems previously I updated some small hours before the fix, and ended up again with a ‘frozen’ start screen.

Thank you for fixing the issue during the holidays.

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If there’s anybody who has experienced SD card problems with the December update (when sdhost was the default) and would like to help with understanding the cause, can you try adding dtoverlay=sdhost,force_pio to your config.txt? This disables DMA for SD card transfers, which will reduce performance - possibly not great for high-bitrate BluRay rips - but may avoid the errors.

Your assistance is appreciated.

I have a PI2 with a SanDisk Ultra 32GB card which didn’t boot after updating at 2016-01-01 20:35:59, showing lots of trouble reading the SD card like it was corrupted. Tried adding dtoverlay=sdhost,force_pio and then it boots fine.

Hi, i also stuck after new update.

my sd card is a 4gb sandisk micro sd

While i was updating to new version, it stuck on %87 i guess…it was about i had to restart(after an hour waiting) and now when i open it its stuck on** REACHED TARGET RPC PORT MAPPER**:

altF2 works.I can get in command line.get in root and can edit config file etc.

i tried to add dtoverlay=mmc, tried to load the previous version, tried to get into recovery mode but doesnt work.

so whats your solution for me , thanks…

If the update process stalled at this point, it means you tried to update directly from RC2 or earlier.

Finishing the update from the command line should resolve the issue.

well what i did is

getting in command

apt-get update and it updated in success
sudo apt-get install rbp2-mediacenter-osmc
sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a

all didnt still stuck on** REACHED TARGET RPC PORT MAPPER**

this is my last log

before my wired network was not active, can it be the problem? how can i activate it with command?

I also add dtoverlay=mmc

Could you give me step by step instruction to install it from beginning? but i dont want to lose my addons and configuration ;(

What does a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade gives you?

Thank you for answer.

Reading package list done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information…done
Calculating upgrade…done

0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded

And again stuck on Reached target rpc port mapper :confused:

Ok i will do a fresh install but is there anyway to get my old addons, configs and tvshows addons etc at this point?

Make a copy of your .kodi folder

Hi, can you indicate where the file mmc-overlay.dtb can be found ?
I have version 4.2.3-3 of OSMC and was not able to found the right version of it …
I tried with 4.1.8 version and the line dtoverlay=mmc in the config.txt without success.

Newer kernels should have this overlay. Any reason you are using such an old version of OSMC?

Hi, in fact, my raspberry was stucked with this update and I would prefer restore this version working rather than reinstall from scratch and loosing all my configuration.

Why is it stuck? Simply updating to current should not result in a loss of any configuration.

I now have a blank screen on boot, so upgrading is not an option.