OSMC desktop environment?

Amazing work @joakim_s! Thank you very much, that was one smooth process

@joakim_s - @MechE
Any of this possible to do on the ATV1?

Don’t know, Hope someone else with knowledge about ATV1 can step up and answer. I know nothing about the ATV1, sorry.

OSMC uses X11 on aTV1, so instructions may be a little different.


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Yes please :slight_smile: Looking forward to it.

There are so few resources on aTV1 that I wouldn’t recommend trying to run a desktop environment on it.


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systemctl disable mediacenter
apt install xorg lightdm mate-desktop-environment firefox-esr -y && reboot

By me works evrytime :hushed:

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Thanks, @MechE buddy for sharing the link. :smile: