"OSMC update error: Error installing"

Sam, you already told me that (see above), but then what?

Post the output of all those source files so that we can understand what repositories you have defined to indicate which one is causing the problem

this is what I got in sources.list:

deb Index of /debian jessie main contrib non-free

deb Index of /debian jessie-updates main contrib non-free

deb http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates main contrib non-free

deb http://apt.osmc.tv jessie main

And no files in sources.list.d?

as I told, a week ago, a file called “syncthing.list”
which contains “deb http://apt.syncthing.net/ syncthing release”

Remove that or add the SyncThing key

I was able to make the november update by commenting out the line in syncthing.list.
But I don’t ’get why this now happens since I am using syncthing for 4 months and this error message didn’t appear during the last updates. ???

Maybe the key changed or expired.

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If it works without the syncthing repository and adding that breaks it then thwt is something you should take up with them.

You’ve just proved conclusively that this isn’t an OSMC issue.

You certainly right, Sam. There was an update in october.

Yes! I’ll buy a Vero shortly and will not add any other scripts.

Thanks to you all for having helped.

Hi Sam,

I’m also having this update error problem.

Logs are at http://paste.osmc.io/evozehawum

Before posting , I did sudo apt-get dist-ugrade , which gave zero errors.


deb http://apt2.osmc.tv jessie-devel main

Change to

deb http://apt.osmc.tv jessie-devel main

That’s an internal repo address, so not sure how you ever got that. I must have passed it to you at some point in the past to skip waiting for mirrors to sync. Anyway – that endpoint is now deprecated; removing the link should fix things for you

I’ve no idea where it came from but I’ve edited the file & all is well now.

Many thanks for your prompt reply & fix, Sam.


From here:


I’ll have to get back to you on that…baby sitting grandson has taken priority :grin:

Back to the task at hand… I think you have me mixed up with someone else as I
didn’t post yesterday.


No, you are mixing something up :slight_smile:
Sam just wanted to let you know when/where you got the “apt2.osmc.tv” into your sources file and linked to a topic from May 2016 where that “yesterday” is part of that thread.

Ahhaaaa…the things we forget… getting old isn’t as much fun as some make out… :sunglasses:

Thanks for setting me straight.