Pi 3 - h265 playback experience

There are no suggested overclock speeds for Pi3.

`[quote=“sentut, post:20, topic:14439”]
But for 1080p h265?

I find the majority of 8-bit hevc 1080p24 files play fine without overclock on a pi 3 with latest update.
But if you have harder files you want to play then you can try:


It’s an overclock, so not guaranteed to work on all Pi’s, but it works on a reasonable number.
Before experimenting with overclocking, backing up the sdcard is recommended as crashes may occur and if you are unlucky that could cause corruption.

The update you are talking about made my Pi3 play 1080p50 HEVC smoothly on Krypton - but then I switched to Leia (because of the DRM stuff) and with that the old stuttering is back again. Is this the expected behaviour since optimizations done for Krypton are not ported to Leia yet?

If you are using an ALPHA build, there might be any kind of problems.
Report them in the testing thread please.