Problems with LiveTV stuttering on Vero 4k+

I can send you a patch for this if you’re willing to test.


Sure thing…

@sam_nazarko sorry but im still having problems with livetv, even with bypass_all set.

I’m seeing microstutters, and if i show the PlayerDebug info on screen then each time it stutters i see the number of dropped frames increase usually by 4 or 5 a time.

It is quite sporadic…if a stream has the problem then i usually find that stopping and starting playback on the same channel resolves the problem and the number of skipped frames stays stable at 0. It seems to skip frames when the vq figure drops to 0%. Here are some fresh logs: see around 16:11

Viewing the same channels from same tvh server on my rpi3 works fine.

Recordings - even of the same program that stutters, work fine.

Each time it stutters i dont see anything in kodi debug log; but these warnings show up in journalctl -f - one per skipped frame:

vidioc_qbuf skip: index:1248229:1248228

I’m on the April release


i don’t know if is the same problem. If i watch livetv the video stops for 2-5 sec and the sound plays without stuttering.

in the kodi.log there is no entry. Journalctl -f:

May 05 09:04:50 andi kernel: codec:force reset decoder  60!!!
May 05 09:04:50 andi kernel: codec:H264 sysinfo: 1920x1080 duration=3840, pts_outside=1, 
May 05 09:04:50 andi kernel: codec:vh264dec: vf_ppmgr_reset
May 05 09:04:50 andi kernel: DI: di_receiver_event_fun: vf_notify_receiver ligth unreg
May 05 09:04:50 andi kernel: codec:operation forbidden in timer !
May 05 09:04:50 andi kernel: codec:operation forbidden in timer !
May 05 09:04:50 andi kernel: codec:operation forbidden in timer !
May 05 09:04:50 andi kernel: codec:operation forbidden in timer !
May 05 09:04:50 andi kernel: PPMGRVPP: warn: ppmgr rebuild from light-unregister
May 05 09:04:51 andi kernel: codec:H264 sysinfo: 1920x1080 duration=3840, pts_outside=1, 
May 05 09:04:51 andi kernel: codec:Enter set parameter cmd1.
May 05 09:04:51 andi kernel: codec:actual_dpb_size 15 max_dpb_size 3
May 05 09:04:52 andi kernel: vidioc_qbuf skip: index:1508782:1508781
May 05 09:04:54 andi kernel: codec:finished correct frame dur
May 05 09:04:54 andi kernel: codec: new=3840,old_duration=3840,cnt=25

osmc@andi:/var/log$ uname -a
Linux andi 3.14.29-143-osmc #1 SMP osmc-ccachefix aarch64 GNU/Linux

The shuttering came with the last update. OSMC Kodi 18.2-RC1 2019-04-21


Looking in to this.

Is it any better if you disable the whitelist? (ie remove everything from the whitelist)

I should have a fix for the micro-stutters shortly.

@Desaster: can you send a full log when this happens?


Nope, no improvement after disabling the whitelist. Also tried removing my .kodi directory to start afresh; this did not help either. Looks like sam is onto something :wink:

They need to be complete logs



Please explain what you mean with complete logs. This is journalctl from boot to some freezers.

To get a better understanding of the problem you are experiencing we need more information from you. The best way to get this information is for you to upload logs that demonstrate your problem. You can learn more about how to submit a useful support request here.

Depending on the used skin you have to set the settings-level to standard or higher, in summary:

  • enable debug logging at settings->system->logging

  • reboot the OSMC device

  • reproduce the issue

  • upload the log set either using the Log Uploader method within the My OSMC menu in the GUI or the ssh method invoking command grab-logs -A

  • publish the provided URL from the log set upload, here

Thanks for your understanding. We hope that we can help you get up and running again shortly.


Hopefully the issue is now addressed

I’d appreciate it if you could test this and provide feedback before we potentially release this as an update to other users. To test this update:

  1. Login via the command line
  2. Edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list
  3. Add the following line: deb stretch-devel main
  4. Run the following commands to update: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && reboot
  5. Your system should have have received the update.

Please see if the issue is resolved.

I also recommend you edit /etc/apt/sources.list again and remove the line that you added after updating. This will return you to the normal update channel.

@jahutchi: can you check if you need to tinker with bypass_prog/bypass_all still?

@sam_nazarko I have upgraded and now find that kodi crashes with a sad face whenever i try to playback anything - tried livetv, recordings, files from media library (over samba mounts).

Here are a set of debug logs from attempting to playback a livetv channel:

The crash is obviously in kodi.old.log since it respawned following the crash. In this log i simply went into the guide and attempted to play a channel.

Here is another set of logs where i attempted to play a file from my media library:

Hopefully should be easy to reproduce as nothing plays back whatsoever. Have rolled back now but do let me know if you need any more logs.

Hi @jahutchi: can you try updating again?


I’ve upgraded and things are looking better now thanks.

Can confirm that I no longer need a line in rc.local to set bypass_all=1. I can see this is being set for me automatically by kodi when starting playback :slight_smile:

Think i’ll need a few days to fully judge whether the micro-stutters in livetv are fully gone. Initial signs look good; since the vq% seems more stable now within the PlayerDebug osd figures.

Just to say a massive thank you…the frame skips do seem to be completely gone thanks to the may update. For the first time since I purchased the vero4k+ last July I now have livetv without any stuttering or frame skips :slight_smile:

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Brilliant. Sorry it took so long!

I dont think this was ever fully fixed. I’m still seeing frame skips every now and again even on june release. looks like the skips are being recorded in the debug logs so i’ve just done a capture

2019-08-18 17:18:54.180 T:4064243712 DEBUG: CRenderManager::PrepareNextRender Frame Skip:109 iter.pts:264.912 lf:0 latency:0.080 Clock:264.913 2019-08-18 17:19:04.080 T:4064243712 DEBUG: CRenderManager::PrepareNextRender Frame Skip:110 iter.pts:274.812 lf:0 latency:0.080 Clock:274.813 2019-08-18 17:19:05.360 T:4064243712 DEBUG: CRenderManager::PrepareNextRender Frame Skip:111 iter.pts:276.092 lf:0 latency:0.080 Clock:276.093 2019-08-18 17:19:10.243 T:4064243712 DEBUG: CRenderManager::PrepareNextRender Frame Skip:112 iter.pts:280.972 lf:0 latency:0.080 Clock:280.976

If you set bypass_all like before, does it remedy the issue?
