RP2 multichannel FLAC playback

The “reboot” issue is almost certainly an edid reading issue. See:

Thx, using edid file solved the boot issue.

I can confirm, using this settings there is no dropout with the 192KHz 2.0 24 bit samples (source: network).
But the out was 96 KHz.

Popcornmix: There is any chance to fix this issue?

I just tried 2L-092 from 2L High Resolution Music .:. free TEST BENCH from a locally attached USB stick and didn’t hear any dropouts.

Can you confirm if you get dropouts with that file (play locally to avoid network issues confusing the results)?

How frequent are the dropouts for you?

I played twice the 2L-092 and unfortunately I experienced dropout once in both times at random position.

Generally the dropout is random. Sometimes you can play 1-2 track without any dropout but sometimes there is 1 or 2 dropout in one track.

I’ve played the file six times (some with and some without overclock) and I’ve not had a dropout.
It does seem some receivers are more tolerant than others so that may explain the difference we see.

Can you try adding to config.txt:

and testing again? That setting may cause issues for non 192kHz audio, but I’d like to know if it helps the 192kHz case.

So I tried this value also, but unfortunately that is not solved the dropout issue.

I played with some other value and looks like 0x1212 solved the dropout in the high frequency (88.2-192KHz) track. I continue the testing…

That’s useful information. So the current default is 0x1412. Does 0x1312 also work?

The value is 0x1212.
So I confirm: I had not experienced dropout with the 0x1212 settings with the > 48 KHz tracks.

I continue the test with 0x1312 settings value.

The dropout still exists with this settings.

I continue the test with 0x1112 settings value.

With this settings there is no dropout.

Popcornmix: are you need test with other values?

Latest firmware will switch to 0x1212 when samplerate > 96kHz so should be good for you.
This should appear in future OSMC updates (anything with vcgencmd version showing May 18th or later).
See here.

Thanks for testing.

Thanks, I will test it if becomes available.

Do you know any estimate about the release of the referred firmware?
I updated the OSMC to the latest version today, but the version is still:

May 13 2015 14:58:12 
Copyright (c) 2012 Broadcom
version 8e0e0dbfe92be77d6355082451280d32f5bf0ff3 (clean) (release)

I have just pushed the latest firmware out – you can upgrade via My OSMC or wait for the notification.


Thanks Sam.
I updated the version and looks like this version is solved the high frequency playback dropout problem.