RPi2 with UPS pico and OSMC

Yep, I have done it.
Took a bit, considering how little Unix I know.
Follow these instructions:

  1. Make sure only two green jumpers are on Pico board. - FSSDR and FSSDU
  2. I also have Reset pin, Fan and Temp device on the board.

If you get to the step with the RPi.GPIO installation and have issues, try these steps to get it installed.

  1. Connect OSMC to internet
  2. Exit kodi
    Navigate to the power icon in Kodi (S Key)
    Select Exit
    Press ESC on your keyboard
    Login to your device.
    UN:PW osmc:osmc
  3. sudo apt-get update
  4. Sudo apt-get upgrade
  5. sudo apt-get install build-essential
  6. export ARCH=arm
  7. export CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/bin/
  8. Sudo apt-get install -y python-dev
  9. Sudo apt-get install -y python-pip
  10. sudo apt-get install python-smbus (this line required if you want to run “sudo python pico_status.py”)
  11. Sudo pip install rpi.gpio

I did all of these, not necessarily in that order, but close to it.
Once GPIO is installed, follow rest of steps in first doc I linked to.

All is working fine for me now, just need to work out how to set what the voltage drop is allowed to be before it triggers FSSD.

Hope that helped.
