[Solved] [RC] Install failed: can't mount root

If you have issues with USB keys or memory cards i personally have huge success by cleaning it in windows and till now i only had one very old memory card i couln’t bring back to life.

Open RUN (WinKey + R) and type diskpart then press enter (make sure it’s run as administrator!)
when it’s ready type list disk and find the disk number for the usbkey/memorycard that have the total capacity matching
Then type select disk [NUMBER] and press enter. Make sure it’s the right disk or you will loose data!!!
Then type clean and press enter
Then type create partition primary and press enter
Then type select partition 1 and press enter
Then type format fs=fat32 quick and press enter
Then type active and press enter
Then type assign and press enter
Then type exit and press enter

Now the usb stick or memory card should be up and running flawlessly again!
(Sry for all the “Then type **** and press enter”, but copy paste was just the easy way)

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