Sound and video asynchronous for H.264 with AAC on raspberry pi3

I’ve discovered a solution (better a workaround)!

To my surprise there is no offset between sound and video when I DEACTIVATE HW acceleration. Then all videos are played fine (but the processor is more busy). But I seem to be limited to 720p - that’s not an isue in Germany since all our HD channels are 720p.

These are my settings:

System>Player>Videos>adjust display refresh rate> set to on start/stop
System>Player>Videos>use DRM PRIME decoder> set to no

Addons>User Addons>Video player InputStream Addons>InputStream Adaptive>max. resolution> set both to 720p

Addons>ARDundZDF>Allgemein>Sofortstart> set to on
Addons>ARDundZDF>Modul-Einstellungen>Videoformat> set to HLS(adaptive)
Addons>ARDundZDF>Modul-Einstellungen>Videoqualität> set to 1280x720

I guess that the settings within ARDundZDF are overrruled by the settings for InputStream adaptive.

Thanks to darwindesign for bringing InputStream Adaptive into my mind.

Regards, Michael

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