[TESTING] Kodi 17 (Krypton) builds for Raspberry Pi (continued)

16.8-087, 03 June 2016: Based off OSMC commit (1a9335b) and newclock5 (354e6a0a)

Build Highlights


New commits in this build:

mmalffmpeg: Add lock on buffer release and log message (354e6a0a)

Went as far back as 16.8-070, no difference.
Then I started wondering if there was a GUI volume; there obviously is :smile:.

I had not changed that volume setting ever, but turning it up to 100% (from like the 80% setting it was on) seems to have resolved the issue :blush:

Great stuff - thanks for the feedback.

I had the same problen with GUI sounds.
Had to turn them on in 2 locations, settings/system/audio and settings/interface/skin.

16.8-089, 5 June 2016: Based off OSMC commit (1a9335b) and newclock5 (d2c7d93d)

Build Highlights


New commits in this build:

fixed fps rate on startup (d2c7d93d)

16.8-090, 5 June 2016: Based off OSMC commit 16.8-090, 6 June 2016: Based off OSMC commit (1a9335b) and newclock5 (a0e22f2)

Build Highlights


Commits no longer in build:

fixed fps rate on startup (d2c7d93d)


When the final version be available ?

That’s up to Kodi developers, not OSMC. Good luck asking them.

16.8-091, 7 June 2016: Based off OSMC commit (1a9335b) and newclock5 (a434a7619)

Build Highlights


Commits no longer in build:

RenderSystem: Load correct identity (0fa64523)

Video-addon Nederland 24 crashes since update 16.8-090

It’s up to the addon developer to make their project compliant with v17.

Here is a good rule of thumb

if its a addon > addon developer
if its related to binary addons (pvr) > its us
if its about general crashes NOT Addon related > is us (* unless its binary)
if about release schedules > kodi developers

Hope this clears it up

and ALWAYS provide a log just posting about an issue doesn’t help us at all.

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Sometimes the binary add-ons get a little bit desynchronised upstream too (PVR usually). Usual recommendation is wait a couple of days – if there’s still a problem, see if others have the same problem, and report upstream.

The add-on works flawlessly on my Ubuntu 14.04 installation using the latest build from Kodi 17.0-ALPHA2, compiled June 8

Can you post a debug log of the crash.

After updating to latest build from 16.8-089 the problem didn’t occur anymore, although yesterday the problem did occur with this build…

please post logs in the future else is just random noise in the thread and to no help at all to us

16.8-092, 9 June 2016: Based off OSMC commit (1a9335b) and newclock5 (07a5228db)

Build Highlights


New commits in this build:

VideoPlayer: keep value of m_vSyncAdjust on Discontinuity (539ae074)
Revert “VideoPlayer: remove now unused header from ffmepg” (6068843d)
VideoPlayer: switch back to Kodi method of counting CPUs (13928a48)
VideoPlayer: drop useless ifdef (d445f3d7)
fixup! rbp: Support zero copy interface with hevc acceleration (07a5228d)

16.8-093, 10 June 2016: Based off OSMC commit (1a9335b) and newclock5 (e23ecd8)

Build Highlights


New commits in this build:

omxvideo: Remove call to AutoInterlaceMethod. Treat auto as advanced (a73a431e)
mmalcodec: Treat corrupt frames as dropped (5ae49559)

Commits no longer in build:

VideoPlayer: keep value of m_vSyncAdjust on Discontinuity (539ae074)
Revert “VideoPlayer: remove now unused header from ffmepg” (6068843d)
VideoPlayer: switch back to Kodi method of counting CPUs (13928a48)
VideoPlayer: drop useless ifdef (d445f3d7)
fixup! rbp: Support zero copy interface with hevc acceleration (07a5228d)


A lot of addons cause an unhappy face and reboot since 16.8-089
This is the logs for iPlayer addon causing the reboot.


And another while opening simple playlists add-on
