[TESTING] Kodi v19 builds for Vero 4K / 4K +

Sam - I had deleted the previous reply. I think setting ‘fit to screen’ resolved the issue. Please feel free to delete your reply, given I had already removed mine…!

I can confirm this now works without reboot.
Good job.

That is probably why my previous tests were futile.
At the ~300/350 setting it is matching my SDR brightness nicely on my TV.

I have update with The latest version of Kodi mediacenter for the moment and i don’t have the freeze bug of video

Thanks for your reply Graham. Actually I removed everything from my whitelist and the problem has stopped. Although I prefer to see anything encoded <1080p in it’s native format, so I will try reinstating the whitelist except for 1080p25Hz as per your suggestion.

So when I said I uninstalled SMBD I meant SMB Server (Daemon). I haven’t changed the backup location to the NAS. Maybe that will resolve it - will give that a go too.

So it’s probably an issue with the combination of LG TV and the Yamaha amp. I’ve tried both using 422 and not using it and I had issues with it on or off so I’ve switched it off for the moment. The whitelist mod that Graham suggested is probably the right thing to do. I will test it and report back.

I tried updating today 6/21, but I’m getting the following error:

smc@Vero4K:~$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Get:1 http://security.debian.org buster/updates InRelease [65.4 kB]
Get:2 http://ftp.debian.org/debian buster InRelease [122 kB]
Get:5 http://ftp.debian.org/debian buster-updates InRelease [51.9 kB]
Hit:3 http://ftp.fau.de/osmc/osmc/apt buster InRelease
Get:4 http://ftp.fau.de/osmc/osmc/apt buster-devel InRelease [4708 B]
Reading package lists... Done
E: Release file for http://security.debian.org/dists/buster/updates/InRelease is not valid yet (invalid for another 11d 7h 24min 41s). Updates for this repository will not be applied.
E: Release file for http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/buster/InRelease is not valid yet (invalid for another 9d 20h 41min 5s). Updates for this repository will not be applied.
E: Release file for http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/buster-updates/InRelease is not valid yet (invalid for another 12d 13h 23min 39s). Updates for this repository will not be applied.
E: Release file for http://apt.osmc.tv/dists/buster-devel/InRelease is not valid yet (invalid for another 11d 19h 20min 0s). Updates for this repository will not be applied.

Time issue on your side?

Hmmm, appears to be so. Logged in via SSH, says the date is June 9th. Can I change the date via SSH?

Well generally a reboot should sort it out as long as you have network connection.
Otherwise you can set the date with date command.

I’ll have to check this tomorrow when I have access to the Vero4K. Here’s what I’m getting.

osmc@Vero4K:~$ date --set 2021-06-22
date: cannot set date: Operation not permitted
Tue Jun 22 00:00:00 EDT 2021
osmc@Vero4K:~$ hwclock --systohc
hwclock: Cannot access the Hardware Clock via any known method.
hwclock: Use the --verbose option to see the details of our search for an access method.
osmc@Vero4K:~$ hwclock --verbose
hwclock from util-linux 2.33.1
System Time: 1624334884.695892
Trying to open: /dev/rtc0
No usable clock interface found.
hwclock: Cannot access the Hardware Clock via any known method.

Update: fixed it with

sudo date --set 2021-06-22

I don’t know exactly what the issue is with 25Hz streams (interlaced or not) but it’s not peculiar to OSMC, it affects Kodi on other platforms as well.

I’ve been following the thread, noting that a lot of progress has been make, so thought I’d give the new image a go by upgrading our Vero 4k on the second TV.

For your information, it all went reasonably smoothly. Had to play around with some of the third party addons, but everything seems to work. I wouldn’t hesitate to install on our 4k+ on the main TV, but I’ll wait for the official release.

I’m not a power user, but it does work well for me. Thank you for all the effort the developers and testers have put in.

I’ve noticed some funkiness with the whitelist. On a 1080i channel from tvheadend, if I select anything in the whitelist (including all the 1080 modes) I get a lot of choppiness, like it’s deinterlacing or something and can’t keep up (video options when playing claim it’s not deinterlacing, and it disables that option for 1080 video). if I unselect everything from the whitelist, then it plays smoothly. It seems like strange behavior to me. I would expect selecting nothing to be treated the same as selecting everything. Seems like an empty whitelist results in it playing some modes not available in the whitelist or something. I’d actually expect it to send 1080i to my TV from a 1080i stream, but according to the TV, it’s not doing that. I’ve got 1080i modes in my display_cap.

Should it be sending 1080i streams (or videos) as 1080i to my TV?

The Vero 4K(+) cannot pass through 1080i video - it can produce 1080i output, but this is only available for displays that are so old they don’t support 1080p input, and it’s produced by deinterlacing and then reinterlacing again. (The same applies to 480i and 576i output - they’re only available for TVs that can’t accept progressive input, and are not “pass through”).

The choppiness happens because it will deinterlace (say) 1080i/50 to 1080p/50 in a way that (incorrectly) treats the video file as video mode instead of film mode, and then converts that to 1080p/25 by dropping frames. You can work around that by de-whitelisting 25Hz, 29.97Hz and 30Hz modes so that it outputs 1080p/50 or 1080p/60 instead - that fixes the choppiness, but you’re still seeing video mode deinterlacing with consequent loss of resolution. (If the video happens to use VC-1 codec you can also manually force a “weave” deinterlace and get perfect playback, but that doesn’t work for MPEG-2 or h.264).

Behaviour with no whitelist is very different from behaviour with everything whitelisted. In particular, with no whitelist, the resolution can only switch up and not down - so SD material will be output as 1080p, for example. And also it will only switch if the video resolution exactly matches an output mode; so 2560x1440 will be downscaled to 1080p instead of upscaled to 4K.

I wrote a whitelist guide a while back… it needs a little more work with respect to new features in Kodi v19, but you might find it useful:

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I have issue with black screen. Sometimes movie plays normally, next time black screen. I did clean kodi config, deleted media center it didn’t help.
Force 422 helped. Problem solved

So I finally resolved Blank Video during playback start.

The content that caused the issue was 720p@23.976Hz or 720p@24Hz or 1080p@25Hz. LG CX TV with Vero 4K connected via Yamaha RX-V6A.

In the end I whitelisted all modes, and enabled Pulldown and Double Refresh Rate options.

But what really fixed it was enabling 422 output (Damn you LG!)

Thanks to all who replied with suggestions.

I just want to report a problem that I found configuring my bluetooth keyboard.

To add it I try to find it in My OSMC → network → Bluetooth enabling the start/stop discovery, but it never get listed. During this discovery to double check that the problem was not in the keyboard I look for it in my mobile phone and laptop and the keyboard was listed in both devices.

After this I decided to ssh my vero device and try manually with bluetoothctl and my keyboard was there and I paired it without any problem and now it just works.

Any idea of why the graphic interface has filter it out?

Does it show up in paired devices now you have paired it?

Hi Graham,

No, it doesn’t. The keyboard works but it does not show up as paired in the graphic interface.

I didn’t mention it in my previous post but maybe it is worth it to mention that other devices as my mobile phone were showing up in the available device list, the only one that was not displayed was my keyboard.