[TESTING] Standby mode for Vero 4K

First: get the IR Buttons detectetd using irrecord, or an existing remote profile in My OSMC

Then use Keymap Editor to make it to the Suspend option.


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I manually edited the keymap files after checking to see what button was being sent by the remote (by enabling debug in Kodi), but what Sam wrote is probably better for most people.

I did it manually because I wanted to have it global except for when I was playing a movie. For me, Keymap Editor takes longer to click through and add one entry and delete another than editing the file. Also, you can’t see how every key is mapped using Keymap Editor (it only shows the first key mapped to the same action), and you can’t edit modifiers. Not being able to see every key was important for programming the remote, as there are a limited number of keys, and any duplication was a big waste.

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I just got the latest update from today and did some tests with standby.
It’s not working as expected.
When activating standby the screen turns black, so far so good.
After 5-6 seconds the screen returns and shows the Kodi interface.
When pressing any RF-remote button the screen switched of for a second and then returns, after that everything works normal.

Please provide a Kodi debug log so we can see what is occurring here.

Here comes the log:

This is what happens:
11:36:49 Standby activated, screen goes black, AVR shows no HDMI and audio signal

about 13 seconds later AVR shows HDMI + PCM signal and the picture returns, I did nothing in that time

11:37:30 Key press on remote, screen goes black for less than a second and returns (“Standby deactivated”)

Well 13 seconds later (11:37:02) there is no record in the debug log.
So what ever woke the HDMI signal didn’t went through Kodi

11:36:49.976 T:4074943056  NOTICE: Activating standby mode
11:36:49.976 T:4074943056    INFO: Activating Vero standby mode
11:36:49.976 T:4074943056    INFO: Toggle standby state is sleeping
11:36:49.976 T:4074943056    INFO: CApplication::ToggleStandby -- Toggle TMDS clock to 0
11:36:49.976 T:4074943056    INFO: CApplication::ToggleStandby -- Toggle LED brightness to 0
11:36:49.976 T:4074943056    INFO: CApplication::ToggleStandby -- governor will now be powersave
11:36:49.981 T:4074943056   DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit () ------
11:36:49.982 T:4074939136   DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnScreensaverActivated from xbmc
11:36:49.982 T:4074943056   DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Custom_Overlay_Debug.xml) ------
11:36:49.983 T:4074943056   DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 50336:66 0 KEY_HOME_UP linux-input-layer (KEY_HOME_UP)
11:36:49.984 T:4074939136   DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 4, from xbmc, message OnScreensaverActivated
11:36:50.007 T:4074943056   DEBUG: ------ Window Init () ------
11:36:50.014 T:4074943056   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Custom_Overlay_Debug.xml) ------
11:36:50.024 T:3856978688   DEBUG: Skin Helper Widgets --> Kodi_Monitor: sender xbmc - method: GUI.OnScreensaverActivated  - data: null
11:36:50.345 T:3865367296   DEBUG: Skin Helper Service --> Kodi_Monitor: sender xbmc - method: GUI.OnScreensaverActivated  - data: null
11:36:56.467 T:3296649984   DEBUG: UPNP: notfified container update upnp://RINCON_B8E937D4827601400_MS/R%3a/
11:36:56.536 T:3436180224   DEBUG: UPNP: notfified container update upnp://RINCON_949F3E0B6EE601400_MS/Q%3a4/
11:36:56.546 T:3806122752   DEBUG: UPNP: notfified container update upnp://RINCON_B8E937D4829601400_MS/R%3a/
11:37:12.679 T:3882406656   DEBUG: script.module.osmcsetting.updates :  - blurp 194 - Home.xml
11:37:30.810 T:4074943056   DEBUG: LIRC: Update - NEW at 80198:69 0 KEY_LEFT linux-input-layer (KEY_LEFT)
11:37:30.810 T:4074943056    INFO: Toggle standby state is waking

I know there is nothing written to the log, but I can definively see the Kodi interface after those 13 seconds. There is nothing else connected to the AVR, just the Vero 4K and the projector.

And another thing that’s not connected to that but to the standby-mode:
When using Kodi Callbacks addon the event for “on Screensaver activated” is excuted when entering standby, but the event for “on Screensaver deactivated” is not (not after the 13 seconds and not when pressing a key to return from standby).

I have a harmony 650.

When I go in standby mode, screen turns black and led is red but after this when i press the standby key on my harmony to turn off all my devices my Vero turns back on.

any ideas?

Edit the harmony macro to not involve the Vero when using the standby key on the remote. This is clearly a harmony configuration issue.

The key is waking the Vero up.