Using Filezilla. I think it has to be set to “binary” mode for transfers and NOT ASCII.
Here is simple (one-line) and fast way to backup and restore .kodi directory. You can do it from mac os terminal without actually login in to kodi installation:
ssh osmc@kodihost "tar -zcvf - .kodi" > kodibackup.tar.gz
cat kodibackup.tar.gz | ssh osmc@newkodihost tar -zxvf - ./
just replace kodihost and newkodihost with hostname/ip addresses of your current and new installation.
The backup file will be placed in your current directory. You can check the content of the file the usual way:
tar -tvf kodibackup.tar.gz
correct restore command is:
cat kodibackup.tar.gz | ssh osmc@newkodihost "tar -zxvf -"