Upgrade PC and can no longer access shares

Download 2022.03-1 and installed that and having the exact same issues. To me it seems like something on my Windows 11 is screwing things up.

Also tried 2022.10-1 with same issue.

What does the auto.master file have for the auto.cifs file? (or whatever you call it).
autofs has this funny way to determine the location of mounts. 1 part is in the auto.master file and the other part is in the file that the auto.master references.

I donā€™t use CIFS much and have never seen any Windows since Win7, but hereā€™s some working connections to Win7, which should work with Win11.

win7ult -fstype=cifs,iocharset=utf8,rw,vers=2.1,uid=1000,gid=1000,file_mode=0664,dir_mode=0775,credentials=/
etc/samba/win7lap-D.credentials  ://

Thatā€™s a single line.
Your IP will be different, so check that and youā€™ll want to setup a credentials file - 2 lines are needed. Best to never place credentials where every user can read them. The credential file format is:

password=some great%password

I set the permissions:
-rwx------ 1 root root 31 Jan 17 2015 /etc/samba/win7lap-D.credentials
so only someone capable of managing autofs can read the credentials.

To see which versions of CIFS any system supports, we can scan it:
sudo nmap --script smb-protocols
Again, point it at your Windows system IP.

This one line was added to /etc/auto.master
/- /etc/auto.smb.shares --timeout 15 browse

The line in /etc/autosmb.shares is
/mnt/Latest-Movies -fstype=cifs,rw,vers=3.0,username=csent,password=chuck00,iocharset=utf8,uid=osmc,gid=osmc ://

The credentials are included in there so no need for the .credentials file.

osmc@osmc:/usr/bin$ sudo nmap --script smb-protocols
sudo: nmap: command not found

WIth the latest osmc fresh install there is no nmap or smb-protocols commands. Should there be?

osmc@osmc:/usr/bin$ ls n*
namei newgrp nsenter ntfsdecrypt ntfssecaudit ntptrace
nano nice nstat ntfsfallocate ntfstruncate numfmt
nawk nisdomainname ntfs-3g ntfsfix ntfsusermap
nc nl ntfs-3g.probe ntfsinfo ntfswipe
net nmblookup ntfscat ntfsls ntpdc
netstat nohup ntfscluster ntfsmove ntpq
networkctl nproc ntfscmp ntfsrecover ntpsweep

osmc@osmc:/usr/bin$ ls -lt smb*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 26164 Aug 9 17:19 smbpasswd
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6455 May 10 2022 smb2-quota
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 18684 May 10 2022 smbinfo