USB mobile broadband

I have just had a long play with an old dongle (ZTE MF627) on both a PC (Linux Mint) and OSMC on RPi. The procedures are similar except with OSMC you need to install package ppp and, I think, hal-info (which is not in the repo but is just a bunch of files which I copied across from the PC). I can get the dongle to connect with terminal commands and if I disconnect the WiFi, System info → Network reports the IP of the mobile broadband connection. It comes up in ifconfig as ppp0 but it doesn’t show up in MyOSMC as a wired connection and can’t be selected for tethering.

I know it’s on-line because I can ping through it but I can’t ping ie it doesn’t seem to know a DNS. So I haven’t got it streaming on-line content yet. On the PC it works fine. The steps are:

  1. Make sure dongle is recognised (ie has a driver) by looking at dmesg
  2. Install hal-info or at least make sure you’ve got
  3. Install usb-modeswitch
  4. Download and
    copy the bit of that which refers to your dongle into
    /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf, which should have been created when you
    installed the package.
  5. if you installed ofono, uninstall it and re-boot
  6. run sudo usb_modeswitch -c /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf and check lsusb to see if it’s done it’s stuff (product ID and description should change)
  7. Install ppp
  8. Download and unzip sakis3g
  9. Run sudo sakis3g --interactive “connect” and follow the prompts

I’m not saying that’s the only/best way to do it, but it works up to a point. Main references:

Sakis3g is better than using pon or wvdial as it gives you better feedback and is cleverer (eg it found that my modem was on /dev/ttyUSB2, not the other two ports)