Vero 4k+ LAN slow bitrate

That is very interesting. I think I’ll have to pass this one over to @sam_nazarko since he knows his hardware and drivers much better than I do. (Disclosure: I don’t even have a Vero4K+ ! :wink: )

It’s probably worth getting this unit back to look at.
Ping with order # and a link to this thread.


I have taken apart the entire living room again.
The Diskstation I hung now directly to the FritzBox.
Vero Lan1 and Diskstation Lan 2
The speed is perfect.
Then I have grown between Lan1 and the Vero TP Link Switch. The speed is back in the cellar. Since I had the PC not synonymous still clamped I can not call exact numbers. I have tested with 4K recordings. And it was clear again on the jerk. I would say something faster but not viewable.

Hello, I received the repaired Vero. After the setup and the first test run with a big 4K video finally the long awaited speed.
Can you say what it was? Was the error on the software side or a hardware defect.