Vero4k+ insanely slow network access

Just edited this post with an update as i can now see what the problem is.

Slow networking when connected wired. WiFi is fine.

See post 11 for speed Wired Vero>Dlink DGS-108 Switch>Asus 68u Router.
See post 12 for speed Wired Vero>Asus 68u Router.
Cat6 cables used, I have tested different cables also and same results.
I have NO issues with any other device on my network.

As my logs show in post 3 I am getting a Gigabit connection reported. Also my switch (when used) and router all report a Gigabit link.

I sold my Vero4k 2 weeks ago that worked flawlessly (with gigabit>usb adapter for extra speed, also now sold) to ‘upgrade’ to this Vero4k +