2016.01-01-HDD not actually installing to HDD

Please tell me what exactly plist should I edit, the name of the flag in this plist and where this plist located on ATV?

I’m using ATV with OEM internal drive. The only thing that was changed is WiFi module. I have installed a CrystalHD card instead. I don’t use USB-hub or any other additional hardware. My configuration was perfectly working with Crystalbuntu and December OSMC HDD build until update of NVidia driver.

Yes, I’m using a non oem hd (internal ATA), I will try to find out the model later today.
I tried both with hub and direct connection but there was no difference.
Sticks were created from Osx

That would explain some things if correct.

As for spinners questions:

Are you using a Non OEM internal drive ? If so, what is it ? How is it connected ?
-using original internal drive, no modifications

Are you using a USB Hub when installing ?

Are you doing anything that would be different than simply a stick directly in the ATV with original internal HDD configuration ?

Running installer in win10. Tried 5 different usb sticks, both known brands and noname. All working with december build. This was two days ago. Not tried after the image was replaced with an updated one(?).

3 posts were split to a new topic: Error while install apps via MyOSMC store

If the install file is changed, it automatically gets a new version/name.
The image wasn’t changed since it was released.
Maybe some weird mirroring problem occurred and some of you were getting a corrupt file from one of the servers ?

Try downloading the latest version with the installer, and don’t use a local file.
If the same problem occurs, report back, and we’ll go to the next step and get logs.

Cheers !

Got the message to remove usb stick before install begins on first attempt today. Something was busted on sunday, and has been fixed since :slight_smile:

Same here, my first attempt, Got the message to remove usb stick before install begins. used everything ie: usb drive etc same as before, and I had tried to install quite a few times. but this time BINGO.

Well that is good to hear


I have just successfully installed January build. It seems that the problem was with the mirroring system.