3D Frame Packed output

Cool. Please report back!

If you hit problems with this it will likely be somewhere between 24:40 and 25:40. There are some high bit-rate peaks around there.

Cool script! I haven’t tried it yet, but it seems you could use this to shrink file size if you wanted to.

My question though is whether you have to have a copy of “mkvmerge.exe” and mkvextract.exe" in the same folder as “FRIMDecode64” or is it enough to have MKVToolsNix simply installed?

Sorry for my late reply: I simply copied the required command line tools (and their related files) all in one folder with the script.
My tests are ongoing. Strange: the resulting mkv is not correctly decoded by the Vero, naming it to 3d.mvc shows some garbled sbs version… Using TsMuxeR this gets corrected, however with all attempts after my first one I got extreme macroblocking results, that seem not to be related to bitrate directly. editing MKV tags brings also no revelations. Will report back with more info soon.

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Is 3D supposed to work on the current OSMC 19.3 on Vero 4k ?
I just upgraded my vero 4k to 19.3, but unfortunately, whenever i try 3D (BD ISO or SBS mkv), the GUI shows me “Watch in 2D”, and i can not change that. Everything else looks as if 3D is supported, i can even set the GUI resolution to 1920x1080 (3D) and then the Kodi GUI is 3D. Just no video material playback…

It’s working fine for me. If you post some logs (preferably debug logs), the OSMC guys can check that your settings are okay.

A couple of obvious things to check:

Under Settings/System/Display/Stereoscopic 3D, make sure Preferred Mode is set to Same As Movie. Under Settings/Player/Videos/Playback, make sure Adjust Display Refresh Rate is set to On Start/Stop. Under Settings/Player/Videos/Stereoscopic 3D, make sure Playback Mode of Stereoscopic 3D Videos is set to Preferred Mode. Make sure the Kodi UI is running at 1080p resolution. And if you are using a whitelist, make sure all the “3D FP” modes are enabled. (Ignore that last one if you don’t use the whitelist).

Thanks for confirming that 3D should work.
I think i have all settings as you say.
Will try to pull a debug log.

Ok, it was the missing whitelisting. Thats a bit of an ugly user experience, having to wade through that list and enabling all 3D resolutions. I thought by default all resolutions where whitelisted. Obviously not.

The main issue is that its completely unintuitive why its not working. I guess there is some kind of error popup, but i can never see it, because when i start to play 3D, my projector tries to change resolution, turns black, a beep comes and then 10 seconds later (yeah, epson projector being slow), i have 2D picture, and no clue why, and Kodi doesn’t even let me unselect “Watch in 2D”.

That’s maybe a misunderstanding. As long as you do not use a whitelist, all available resolutions will be used for video playback. If that is not what you want then you can use the whitelist to restrict the available resolutions to the whitelisted ones.

It would be more accurate to say that, without a whitelist, all resolutions from the UI resolution upwards are used. Without a whitelist, the resolution can switch up but not down; so if the desktop runs at 1080p, then 720p, 576p/i, and 480p/i will all be upscaled to 1080p. Without a whitelist it will also only switch output mode if there is a mode that exactly matches the video dimensions; for example, if your video is 2560x1440, without a whitelist that will be downscaled to 1080p; with a whitelist it can be upscaled to 2160p.

Right, thanks for correcting me. I always forget about this restriction.

Took a while - again…
But making just a few changes to the original batch configuration (and not to crank-up the quality setting as I tried at first) seems to be the best I can get out of it:

I still have to transform the resulting .mkv into an .iso using tsMuxeR but with mentioned settings I get a “garble-free” result, very smooth playback and all the “key scenes” are clean. 3D depth is fine, tbh I can’t see a difference compared to the original (2016 LG OLED).

Still, I’d rather there was no issue in the first place but hey, if that’s the only trade-off then Vero4k+ is perfect for me.

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Great and thanks. Is the minimal loss in 3D depth you perceived first gone now?

Yes, 3D depth perception is identical to the original (my eyes, my equipment) when using above changes only. The slight loss I mentioned before was for “USAGE = 7” (the fast-and-sloppy mode). Anything beyond a setting of 3 (i.e.1 or 2) introduced heavy artifacts, also higher avg/max bitrate settings were not producing good results. The file size is also only slightly above the original.

Thanks a lot for the 3D support. The one big gap i see (unless i have overlooked a solution), is that it seems impossible to play back full-size RIPs of BD3D in their full size resolution via frame packet output.

This is working on other kodi platforms such as the MVC win 10 build, but it seems the way the vero4k implementation works is quite different: On win10/MVC or RPI3, kodi can transform from the input file format to any output file format. E.g. half SBS video file can be played back as SBS or TAB or any other format - including frame packed of course. On vero4, this transforming does not work. a half SBS video file can only be played back as SBS, a half TAB only as TAB format, and MVC files only as frame-packed. That fine, once you know it, BUT this then seems to lead to the limit that there is no way whatsoever to play back a full size, non-MVC RIP.

Those RIPs can be built for example with BD3D2MK3D home and they could be full-size TAB or SBS. If i remember correctly, frame-backed output is built on a frame buffer of 1920x2160 ?! So if support for those full size RIPs could be done most easily for full TAB, that would be lovely!

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That’s not right. You can play MVC as half TAB or SBS, and it might also be possible to play half TAB or half SBS as frame-packed. But it’s true that full TAB/SBS playback currently lacks support. This is just because I haven’t had time to look at it yet :slight_smile: . It’s on my TODO list but not at the top :-).

No, that’s not correct. The frame-packed format includes 45 black lines as separator between the two frames, so the size is 1920 x 2205.

Thanks. Yes, i didn’t try to play MVC as TAB/SBS. And given how all 3D capable projectors support half SBS/TAB and frame-packed i see no downside if even just one option would work for each format. It as just different from what i knew and i was just trying to figure out why full SBS/TAB wasn’t working and what might be the easiest format (full SBS or TAB) for you to support.

Also, i think vero4k is the first implementation of 3D on kodi (that i remember) that actually sets the half SBS / TAB flags in the video stream. At least on the windows 10 MVC implementation, that was not done (don’t remember RPI), so on such an implementation it was beneficial to output half SBS/TAB as frame-packed so the display would guaranteed recognize the stream as 3D and one wouldn’t have to mess around with manual 3D selection on the display. But with flags set, frame-packed is really only needed for full-HD 3D videos IMHO.

What are you referring to by this?