8 and 10-bit AV1 decoding on Vero V

Hello, I’m thinking about buying a Vero V to replace an old Odroid, and one of the features I’m particularly interested in is AV1 decoding.

I’m by no means an expert, so forgive me if this is a stupid question :sweat_smile:

But does the Vero V support both 8-bit and 10-bit AV1 decoding?

Based on the samples I have - yes.

Yes. The main profile is 4:2:0 at 8 or 10-bit. Both are supported.

I’ve not tried playing an AV1 file yet, but I wanted to add that I’ve just replaced my Odroid N2+ with a Vero V and I’m VERY happy with it.

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Glad to hear this.

Excellent thanks for the replies. I’ve placed my order and look forward to giving it a go!