Add a Bluray 4k DVD usb to pi4 OSMC

Realise I probably can’t play blur or 4k but I’d like to use for DVDs It’s the only usb drive I have. It is connected to the usb3 port on the pi but not showing in OSMC is there some lines i need to add to scripts?

You mean you attached a Blueray/DVD USB Player?.
Please upload logs via MyOSMC → Log Uploader and share the URL.

yeah, i connected to the pi via usb 3 didn’t expect it to show in osmc just wondered like my allo digione I needed to add it to a script or when i’ve added usb hdd to linux at work i had to find the ID and add that

It would show up when you insert a disc that is recognized. As mentioned upload some logs if you need help.