Aeon MQ9 hangs on applying settings

Has anyone managed to install Aeon MQ9 on a Vero 4k+ (Latest version as of 2023/06) ?

Every time I choose the skin it gets stuck on the red circle. The same worked on a PC.

Someone suggested to hit the back key several times, but the only thing that happens is that the screen flashes for 1 second.

I always have to delete guisettings.xml to get back to a working skin.

any ideas ?

Have you checked that the skin is compatible with Kodi v20?

Same issue for me. I gave up

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Try contacting the developer of this skin to see if it’s a known issue.

It works on PC on kodi 20.1. But I don’t have the time to investigate further. Maybe someone will have another idea or had success. I just wanted if any new skin is available that suits my needs.

The mods for the skin confirmed it works on Matrix 19.5, Nexus 20.2, and Omega 21.0
My Vero is still on 19, so can’t comment on how MQ9 works on Vero with v20