Nothing changed in my transmission after july update, no “permission denied” anywhere. Only difference is that I have a fstab mounted drive in mnt, not automount in media.
Hmm… Should I not be using automount for my USB external HDD then? I don’t know how to test that. Would you mind taking a newb through the steps to mount the drive to /mnt instead of /media?
Download putty if you use windows and connect with ssh. You must know IP of your Vero. Username and pass are OSMC
First make a directory under /mnt. Lets call it mySharedDrive.
type sudo mkdir /mnt/mySharedDrive
then run ; sudo nano /etc/fstab
Then add a line to fstab like this
UUID=uuidofpartition /mnt/mySharedDrive ext4 defaults,noatime,auto,nofail,x-systemd.mount-timeout=30 0 0
save end exit ctrl-x
Type blkid at the command prompt to get the value of uuidofpartition.
If you have any problems with above, I will be glad to help you
Thank you for the reply! I noticed you specified ext4; my drive is NTFS (I periodically move it to a windows machine to transfer larger files), does that matter? It hasn’t been an issue with anything so far.
Where to start?
So, my setup ; Raspberry Pi 3, attached a USB storage 1TB, OSMC installed ( latest Version) and Transmission installed the MyOSMC app store ( including using transGui). Ow and Samba ( don’t ask me why, guess someone somewhere suggested it as a solution)
Initially I had an NTFS partion running with all kind of tvshows which was accessible on my home network ( read TV and pc’s) , I formated the thing to Ext4
The problem now is that I needed some file transfer in case I want to add / remove shows. But I thought I could simply add transmission and get the shows right on the drive. I was holding that thought but in practice my fingers bleed, my head burns, the veins pulsate … in short I can’t get it to work.
I tried the above and guess what, it created a localshare named mySharedDrive. but now ( over the browser interface)…in Kodi the Auto-mounted drive doesn’t appear anymore and transmission is killing the connection … FUBAR or PEBCAC
if you could help me a hand here I would be grateful
***Update … the transmission Part seems to be working… now how to make it visible in Kodi?
****Update … checked the TV all is fine , working like a charm , time for some medicine