Allow pass-through = no audio for any media files

After having rebuilt my kodi library from scratch and updating to resolve some performance, I realized I hadn’t updated all the settings yet.

I updated my Audio to Allow Pass-through and enabled all my options available to my Denon x2300 receiver. Also set it to 7.1.
Now media no longer plays audio. I get the GUI sounds still.

Did I miss another setting? Almost positive I’ve always had it set this way.
I rebooted twice and enabled logging.
While I’m playing a video file if i hit the menu and de select "allow pass-through ’ audio works. Baffling.



Can you reproduce this with several files?

Could you post some MediaInfo of an affected file?



It was indeed on all files. I set all my settings back to default again, and after a few reboots and re-doing all the settings, it’s working again.