Alternative YouTube add-on?


I use the Youtube add-on from the official repository. Every week or so it crashes, or hangs etc. Currently, it continually buffers and looking at the kodi forums of the add-on, this is a known issue.

I’m aware that the problem is often google changing things, but using this add-on is a frustrating experience, especially for the family(!)

I remember seeing an alternative YT add-on not so long ago, but can’t recall its name or find it. (Not in the official repository). Does anyone use it, is it any better and where to find it?


There are two YouTube add-ons in the official repo. YouTube (the original) and Tubed (a newer one built from the ground up with some different choices made). If you’re having a problem with the YouTube add-on, it might be worth trying Tubed.

Ah, I didn’t notice the Tubed add-on. I’ll give it a try.


The original YouTube addon (both by the same dev, btw) is about to be fixed. A fix is already in the respective beta repo: Buffering Bug · Issue #163 · anxdpanic/ · GitHub

All YouTube addons will eventually see the same issues as soon as Google changes something, so no real benefit in switching there. The newer addon tries to avoid the need to setup the Google API to be able to use the addon, but there are reports of basic issues with that in the respective Kodi forum thread as well. I’d recommend waiting for the fix to finally be released (or try the alpha version which works really well now!) and staying with the older YouTube addon which seems to be more actively maintained.

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@Chillbo I see - I may try both :slight_smile:

By the way, looking at the Releases page for the YT plugin alpha - which version would I use for Vero 4K?


Which stable OSMC version are you on? Our August 2021 update?

Yes, updated to latest release last wek

Then this one should be the correct one:

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I’ve never had much luck with the Tubed add-on, it just keeps giving me “quota exceeded” errors when I try to do anything at all.

Those are exactly the issues I was referring to :+1:t2:

If one can get the API setup done, the normal, older YouTube addon should be the way to go IMHO.