Android dual-boot lands for Vero 2!

We hope you're having a lovely Summer, enjoying the break and watching lots of TV on OSMC!

We're now excited to announce our first dual-boot release of Android for Vero 2. We've had some builds that run off the internal storage, but this is our first SD card based build

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Will this allow the Vero 2 to be used as a chromecast as well?

If you can get Chomecast receiver as an APK, then possibly, but not sure.

Just installed it and booted android.
Speed etc. seems Ok :slight_smile: However, as I’m using a Harmony remote, I can’t really use it. With a keyboard, Android is also a pain to handle :frowning:
I’ll see if I’ll manage to use the official remote to run it.