
Is there an android download for the Vero 4k + ?

Can’t find anywhere on the downloads page?



So can’t load android on a mirco sd and dual boot it like vero 2?

or is there a way the install an apk on the vero 4k +?

Neither are possible.

Android isn’t supported on Vero 4K/4K+ as there isn’t really any demand for it.

How much to make it supported?


There’s not been any demand for it, so it’s not planned.

Out of curiosity: what features would you be interested in / what’s your use case for Android?

This was discussed a few years ago, and there was some interest back then: Android TV image for Vero 4K

I think the main thing people were hoping for then was higher resolutions in streaming apps (e.g. Netflix, Prime Video, Disney Plus). But there was considerable ambiguity about whether it could actually deliver that.

We can’t do that without Widevine / HDCP keys.


I want a few apk that I use. I have a lot of these boxes and want to continue to use them and don’t wanna get rid of them.

I am willing to pay for your time to do this so they don’t go to waste.

The thing is – I’m not an Android developer. I can build the SoC provider’s release of it – but that will be limited and probably not give you the experience you want.

I think the SoC manufacturer’s last release for this device was Android 7, which will also likely lead to incompatibility issues.

XDA Developers likely have support for S905/905X devices and more up to date ROMs, but this isn’t something we can directly support.


Would I be able to install an apk and get a 1080p hdmi signal out?

Thats really all I need, I can test it to see how stable it is for me.


Yes - but we don’t have any Android images and don’t plan to release any as this will create a support burden.

Ok no worries, thanks for getting back to me!

Could anbox or waydroid cover your usecase?
They’re android containers made to run on top of Linux.

Waydroid for Wayland, Anbox for Xorg