My Vero 4K+ is working perfectly but it generates a large number of entries in the journal log when playing media. Watching a one-hour TV recording, skipping through the ad-breaks, creates 3621 lines of entries, which in text form occupy 280Kb. It seems I can’t upload text files but here are a few lines:
Feb 26 17:10:38 vero kernel: 0: h264_reconfig
Feb 26 17:10:38 vero kernel: 0: AV_SCRATCH_1 = 841fe078, AV_SCRATCH_2 1a073
Feb 26 17:10:38 vero kernel: 0: chroma_format_idc = 1 frame_mbs_only_flag 1, crop_bottom 8, frame_height 1080,
Feb 26 17:10:38 vero kernel: 0: mb_height 68,crop_right 0, frame_width 1920, mb_width 120
Feb 26 17:10:38 vero kernel: 0: level_idc = 40 pic_size = 3133440 size = 4
Feb 26 17:10:38 vero kernel: 0: mb height/widht/total: 44/78/1fe0 level_idc 28 max_ref_num 4
Feb 26 17:10:38 vero kernel: 0: restriction_flag=1, max_dec_frame_buffering=4, dec_dpb_size=6 num_reorder_frames 3 used_reorder_dpb_size_margin 6
Feb 26 17:10:38 vero kernel: 0: vh264_set_params active_buf_spec_num 12 dec_dpb_size 6 collocate_buf_num 8
Feb 26 17:10:38 vero kernel: 0: num_ref_frames change from 0 to 4
Journald is configured to use 16Mb of storage for its logs, but this is being overwritten after only two or three days. I run TVheadend on the same box and it would sometimes be useful to be able to see its logs going back a few weeks. Is there any way to filter this noise?