Any way to reduce systemd journal noise?

My Vero 4K+ is working perfectly but it generates a large number of entries in the journal log when playing media. Watching a one-hour TV recording, skipping through the ad-breaks, creates 3621 lines of entries, which in text form occupy 280Kb. It seems I can’t upload text files but here are a few lines:

Feb 26 17:10:38 vero kernel: 0: h264_reconfig
Feb 26 17:10:38 vero kernel: 0: AV_SCRATCH_1 = 841fe078, AV_SCRATCH_2 1a073
Feb 26 17:10:38 vero kernel: 0: chroma_format_idc = 1 frame_mbs_only_flag 1, crop_bottom 8, frame_height 1080,
Feb 26 17:10:38 vero kernel: 0: mb_height 68,crop_right 0, frame_width 1920, mb_width 120
Feb 26 17:10:38 vero kernel: 0: level_idc = 40 pic_size = 3133440 size = 4
Feb 26 17:10:38 vero kernel: 0: mb height/widht/total: 44/78/1fe0 level_idc 28 max_ref_num 4
Feb 26 17:10:38 vero kernel: 0: restriction_flag=1, max_dec_frame_buffering=4, dec_dpb_size=6 num_reorder_frames 3 used_reorder_dpb_size_margin 6
Feb 26 17:10:38 vero kernel: 0: vh264_set_params active_buf_spec_num 12 dec_dpb_size 6 collocate_buf_num 8
Feb 26 17:10:38 vero kernel: 0: num_ref_frames change from 0 to 4

Journald is configured to use 16Mb of storage for its logs, but this is being overwritten after only two or three days. I run TVheadend on the same box and it would sometimes be useful to be able to see its logs going back a few weeks. Is there any way to filter this noise?

The journal isn’t persistent, so it’s not being written to any media and won’t cause any wear. The kernel could be put into a lower logging mode, but we on’t recommend this.