Anyone got a idiots guide for setting up fstab on my vero 4k

Ive done a bit of searching but wondered if anyone knew the best how-to guide for setting up fstab on my vero4k to link my network harddrive up.

Cheers in advance.

fstab should already be installed. What you need to add to it to enable mounting of your network hard drive will depend what protocols your network hard drive supports (Samba or NFS?)

If you can provide more detail as to how you want to mount it and what protocols it supports I’m sure we can help you.

Its a mycloud hard drive and can do either samba or nfs i believe… im using it via nfs to link the movies into my osmc software, but after chatting to sam about the odd glitch it suffers, a fstab solution might work better, so this was my aim… im currently scrolling through the forum search results as we speak

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There were some NFS performance improvement in today’s update. Try installing the update and revisiting playback of a file that was problematic before. It might be better now and save the need to mount via fstab

After having some problems with large high-bitrate files, i also looked into fstab nfs mounting.
i found this post with easy to follow instructions and it works great. I can definitely see an improvement in performance.

Reading through different posts, i noticed, that some people use “more advanced settings” as in havíng specific options like “noatime”, “rsize”, “wsize” and so on. Honestly this goes way over my head!
However it got me curious, if it’s worth looking into these options. Maybe someone can shed some light on these, point me in the right direction, or even recomment some specific settings.

To give some background, i’m using my Vero 4K via ethernet, my files are shared from a Synology DS115j using NFS and i use it to play movies ranging from ~8GB 1080p to ~ 70GB UHD.

Something like

IP.OF.NFS.SERVER:/sharename /mnt/mountpoint nfs x-systemd.automount,_netdev,nfsvers=3,intr,noatime,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,nolock,async 0 0

should work in your /etc/fstab file.

Don’t forget to create the /mnt/mntpoint directory first.

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# NAS shares from omv.local 
omv.local:/Music	/home/osmc/Music		nfs  intr,noatime  0  0
omv.local:/Pictures	/home/osmc/Pictures		nfs  intr,noatime  0  0
omv.local:/Movies	/home/osmc/Movies		nfs  intr,noatime  0  0
omv.local:/TV		/home/osmc/TV\040Shows		nfs  intr,noatime  0  0

This is how I do it as I don’t use local for content and its how I mount all the linux boxes around the house. Replace omv.local with the IP/hostname of your NAS.