Anyone see this error while installing?

“There seems to be an issue connecting to the network
Please check that you are not trying to download OSMC via a proxy server”

It was working last night and then i tried again today… and then this popped up.
Help please. Thanks.

Did you try again? OSMC installer seems not to be able to connect to the internet or its servers. Probably a temporary problem.
Can you please upload the logfile if this happens again?

Downloads look OK here

  • Where are you downloading from?
  • Which version are you downloading and for which device?
  • Can you show us a logfile?

Having the same problem here.

After selecting english and raspberry pi from the drop down menus, click the right arrow to continue, and presented with the attached error.

Sat Jan 23 10:37:54 2016 OSMC Installer running on Mac OS X
Sat Jan 23 10:37:54 2016 Detected locale as en_GB
Sat Jan 23 10:37:54 2016 Attempting to load translation for locale en_GB
Sat Jan 23 10:37:54 2016 Could not load translation!
Sat Jan 23 10:37:54 2016 Resolving a mirror
Sat Jan 23 10:37:55 2016 Resolved mirror to
Sat Jan 23 10:37:55 2016 Enumerating supported devices
Sat Jan 23 10:37:55 2016 Added the following devices
Sat Jan 23 10:37:55 2016 Vero
Sat Jan 23 10:37:55 2016 Raspberry Pi
Sat Jan 23 10:37:55 2016 Raspberry Pi 2
Sat Jan 23 10:37:55 2016 Apple TV
Sat Jan 23 10:37:55 2016 Checking for updates
Sat Jan 23 10:37:55 2016 Checking for updates by downloading /installers/latest_mac
Sat Jan 23 10:37:55 2016 Acquired mirror file
Sat Jan 23 10:37:55 2016 No new update is available
Sat Jan 23 10:37:59 2016 The user has selected English as their language
Sat Jan 23 10:37:59 2016 The user has selected Raspberry Pi as their device
Sat Jan 23 10:37:59 2016 Attempting to download device versions file installers/versions_RBP

Same here

I’m having the same thing

Yes, same problem over here. Doesn’t seem to be an internet problem on this site, as other sites can be accessed without problems.

Trying now with Piebaker (Mac)

Thanks for reporting this issue.

Our current installer requests the root of the download server to get a mirror-directed URL which is then used for the rest of the installation. This was to ensure consistency and availability of downloads. This is not necessary as the new mirror director allows for partial mirroring and ensures integrity.

I’ve now resolved this issue. You’ll need to download the latest version of the installer from


Problem is still there :frowning:

I don’t have a Mac to build the new installer, so I’ll have to wait for another team member to compile the fixed installer.

Windows and Linux will be fine though

Thank you. Please keep up Mac folk updated.

The installer has been updated for OS X and this issue should now be resolved.


Thank you @Sam! Appreciate the quick response. Best