Here’s a copy of the contents of a lircd.conf file that I created for the older white Apple TV remotes:
# Please make this file available to others
# by sending it to <>
# this config file was automatically generated
# using lirc-0.9.0(default) on Thu May 21 20:03:05 2015
# contributed by ENT
# brand: Apple TV White Remote A1156
# model no. of remote control:
# devices being controlled by this remote:
begin remote
name Apple TV White Remote A1156
eps 30
aeps 100
gap 108679
begin raw_codes
name KEY_UP
9096 4507 594 570 624 1664
624 1665 598 1692 595 571
623 1666 628 1663 625 1661
604 1688 621 1669 619 1671
621 541 599 570 621 542
602 568 620 1680 619 1666
626 1664 598 571 620 1672
621 540 598 574 619 543
625 543 596 1695 621 1666
626 541 623 1669 619 543
604 1695 591 569 626 538
9074 4534 620 540 601 1690
627 1662 601 1695 621 544
595 1696 592 1696 595 1695
595 1694 596 1698 598 1691
597 569 625 539 602 568
594 572 621 1675 625 1665
598 568 596 1696 593 1694
598 570 623 541 628 540
596 574 619 1671 621 1669
620 542 626 1667 597 571
595 1696 619 546 598 572
9104 4506 623 545 593 1694
602 1688 602 1691 597 570
620 1665 625 1665 625 1671
619 1670 621 1667 622 1670
623 542 628 543 624 539
623 540 628 1673 624 545
598 570 621 541 627 1664
625 544 624 544 598 569
621 543 628 1664 625 1666
624 543 627 1667 622 541
602 1690 624 545 619 549
9074 4533 593 571 593 1697
595 1694 596 1695 593 570
594 1697 594 1696 596 1695
596 1698 625 1664 590 1691
596 575 593 575 593 570
594 576 622 1675 597 1689
593 1697 593 1697 619 546
596 570 594 574 594 570
595 572 623 1669 596 1695
619 544 594 1697 621 545
598 1697 592 569 595 578
name KEY_OK
9088 4518 625 541 600 1692
598 1693 621 1669 621 541
625 1667 598 1692 595 1694
622 1669 619 1671 620 1669
623 540 625 545 598 566
624 544 624 1677 622 543
627 539 625 1662 600 564
627 540 628 544 621 540
625 545 624 1666 620 1668
623 541 626 1667 624 541
627 1665 626 541 599 570
9111 4508 613 540 601 1691
620 1672 620 1669 620 546
597 1690 597 1694 625 1663
600 1692 598 1692 621 1669
621 541 602 568 620 545
631 538 619 1675 626 541
626 1668 619 542 634 540
593 576 622 536 604 564
624 541 624 1664 600 1692
596 571 623 1664 624 545
598 1693 619 547 624 545
end raw_codes
end remote
Create a file called /etc/lirc/apple-white-A1156-lircd.conf and then copy the contents above into it. When you run the OSMC config app to chose a remote, the new file will be listed.