Before the update (done manually) the directionals worked perfectly. After the April updates the directional keys from “Kore” remote ran on my Samsung S5 (latest update) to OSMC doesn’t work. I’m able to play mvies at least by using the Kore apps movie tab, but anything directional, side to side as well as up and down don’t function at all.
Any bit of advice? This is a Raspberry Pi 2, stock settings, no modifications or overclocks.
I have the same problem with yatse. Raspberry Pi 2, stock settings, no modifications or overclocks with iqaudio dacplus overlay. Would be nice if that could be fixed.
I’ve got the same problem with Yatse on android that hopefully someone can help with. Can’t navigate at all but can play media from the yatse library tab.
I’m pretty new to this stuff but I have hopefully enabled debugging by editing advancedsettings.xml with “1.2.2 advancedsettings.xml for input devices” from and then used the grab-logs -X to upload log to here log
Sorry if this is not the right log but let me know and I’ll try to get the correct one.
I fixed this by removing the host from Yatse and then re-adding it.
For future reference, was I on the right track regarding obtaining logs?
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Same issue here. I use Yatse on Andoird. If I remove and re-add the host it fails on Event Server.
Anybody sussed this out yet?
Works fine here after the upgrade.
Suggest to enable debugging and upload logs.
I had the same problem in Kore and Yatse on a Raspberry Pi 1. Removing and re-adding host worked for me in both. Thanks, @rick793.
So I’m able to use Kore to select movies on my phone, but I’m no longer able to use it to navigate the menus in my raspberry pi2 model B(?). Everything worked before, and I think the only change has been the April update. Any thoughts?
Had the same issue on a raspberry Pi 1. Had to remove and re-add the player in Yatse for it to work. Not hard, but irritating all the same
change the connection between Kore and Kodi Thank me later