Audio device duplicated but with name change

This isn’t a problem, just a mystery that I don’t know how to solve. The pi either plays audio through the HDMI, or through the Pi’s audio jack, so depending on what I’m listening to, I switch it back and forth in Settings>System>Audio.

Thing is, there are three devices, not two, because the HDMI is duplicated with different names.

vc4-hdmi, MAI PCM i2s-hifi-o
vc4-hdmi, SNY SONY TV on HDMI

They both point to the HDMI output to the Sony TV, and there seems no difference between the two, so I’m guessing they both point to the same driver, which has changed its description in an update, but OSMC has both still listed. Something along those lines?

To my knowledge it has been like that since I last reinstalled it due to a card replacement, years back. But now I’m wondering why.

Just an ALSA quirk. Nothing to really worry about - but use HDMI for passthrough.

Thought it was something like that. I’m passable in a linux CLI and could probably dig it out in time…a long time. So they are essentially two entries for the same driver.

And now I’m reading the OSMC wiki. Which is what it’s there for. :smiley: