I’m trying to find a so solution so my Vero 4k can send the audio output with pulseaudio to DLNA or Chromecast. My attemts are from ssh, but I can’t install the script.
A small DLNA server which brings DLNA / UPNP support to PulseAudio and Linux.
It can stream your current PulseAudio playback to different UPNP devices (UPNP Media Renderers) in your network. It's main goals are: easy to use, no configuration hassle,...
How do I add this to Software Sources?
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:qos/pulseaudio-dlna sudo apt-get update
The ppa system is an Ubuntu innovation and doesn’t work on Debian.
You need to check out the github page and either install using git or from the Debian repository (which is on version 0.5.2-1):
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pulseaudio-dlna
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Thanks a lot!
Now I can try and see if this thing actually work.