By default I only see Spectrum and Waveform. Are there any other cool visualizations that are supported on the RPi2?
yes and not just rpi use the repo
Is there a demo of this?
I installed the addon but is there anyway to configure it? The Configuration menu does not give me any options
ask @popcornmix
Hey @popcornmix, is it possible to configure the visualization?
@Toast: How did you get different colors? Is it just dependent on the song?
Instructions for configuring add-ons here:
I am only able to change the visual for the screensaver, not the visualization.
Try switching the skin to Confluence. The OSMC skin may have missing controls.
I would have to check, but I think I noticed the controls are missing in Black Glass Nova and/or Refocus as well. (Can’t remember which one of the two as I use both Skins)
Are they custom controls that are not compatible with all skins ?
I think they should be in all skins, but as there historically haven’t been many usable visualisations they are not well tested.
Aeon Nox 5 has the controls but there is a bug that stops you being able to scroll the list of presets - although that is fixed on github.
I just used it on a few different skins (confluence default included) and I was not able to see the list of presets. This is on the latest 1.0.6.
Look here.
The presets button is the “mountain” shape second from the right in the top screenshot.
Is there a setting that would randomize the the shader viz as the songs change or on a preset time … random every 2mins or something like that? Right now it just seems to randomize per time it starts and then stays on the same viz until a new start is done
not yet i requested this from @popcornmix if he finds the time to do it, probly got a shit load of other stuff that needs his attention before this addon.
ok thanks for letting me know … i didn’t see your earlier request for it.
ahh yes i requested in our dev channel so its not easy for a user to know that