Audio volume control on OSMC remote

I have a raspberry pi 3 and the ‘official’ OSMC remote control. Everything works fine, except that I cannot control the audio volume with the remote. Did I miss something in the configuration? I use the analogue audio output on the pi.

No you didn’t. For videos, press OK then navigate to the speaker icon. Sadly. the same doesn’t apply to music. Some people re-map the up/down keys to volume up/down when media is playing.

I see. But how do I remap the remote’s keys?

You need to make a custom remote.xml file, or there are add-ons to do it. The Kodi wiki is your guide. Or do a search in here.

Thanks. Ik will look into that.

The addon keymap editor will let you do it without editing files

To do it manually, here are the required steps:

ssh osmc@(IP-Address)

cd .kodi/userdata/keymaps/
nano keymap.xml (ctlr+x to end editing)

Add the following:

			<key id="166">volumeup</key>
			<key id="167">volumedown</key>

sudo reboot (With a reboot the new keymap.xml gets activated)

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Are you sure this works with the OSMC remote? I doubt it as it is a remote and not a keyboard in Kodi.

Yes, 100% sure.

Thanks, Burrito78!
it works…perfect!

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