Backup and install of vero 4k

I purchased a 2nd Vero 4k for a family member and I wanted to just backup my Vero to include the Kodi and addons and just install it on the 2nd Vero 4K I purchased. Is there an easy way to do this? I don’t want to have to add each add-on to the kodi if I don’t have to. I am kind of novice at this stuff so if I ask more questions bare with me please.


The MyOSMC app contains a backup utility.

You can also copy the ~/.kodi folder from one device to another.

Let us know if you have any problems.

What is that? It isn’t on the Vero 4k is it? If it is I have no idea how to get anywhre but kodi on the Vero. Thsi was a respones to “ActionA”

Does the Vero have a SDcard installed on it or do I just connect it to a computer to make a backup?

Go to My OSMC. It’s under Programs on some skins, or on the home screen on OSMC Skin and Estuary.
Plug in a USB drive or SD and you can back up to it.

The Vero 4K has internal storage. It’s not something you can remove. But you can access it via FTP (needs installing from My OSMC → App Store) or SSH (enabled by default).

Bit of info here:

Yep, I figured it out. Thanks to all of you for your assistance! I didn’t realize that was on there. :smiley:

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Good stuff. Let us know if you need a hand with anything else.