Backup failed with latest update

A few days ago my Vero automatic update the newest OSMC version as usual when there is a new OSMC release. Today I am trying a new build so I would like to backup my OSMC but after about 15 to 20 minutes this pop up appear. Please help

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I just want to do a normal backup.
I enter " My OSMC " then " Settings - Updates " at Backups from " Location entry method " I choose " Browsed " and I browse it to my USB stick for saving the backup file.
Then I enter " Manual Controls " then " Run Backup of settings now ".

Before the latest update, after doing those steps as above I have a backup file in my USB Stick. But now after the latest update I have this pop up. The backup file couldn’t write to my USB stick, and My USB stick is working 100%.
I have 2 olds backup in that USB and I can restore these 2 olds backup anytime.

Enable debugging, try to run the backup and then upload the log files otherwise we can not help

after Enable debug logging and run backup again, still failed.
here is the OSMC Log Uploader URL
URL: ahujozumar