Backup of TVheadend


  1. Is there some possibilities to add backup of TV headend to MyOSMC Backup Tools?
    In form of special checkbox for TVH or some user selected directory for backup?

I´ve found this thread:

Not sure if wil working user selected directory if the TVH service not stopped

  1. In the past if I made backup by MyOsmc tool, I have also backup of Confluence setting (shortcuts etc.), but last time when I made backup, these setting was not included. There was some change in this tool?


You might consider using Graham’s tool which can backup the entire system…

You can just back up the .hts directory


Thanks for the tip
I will test it.
Is here somebody who already tested on NOOBs version of OSMC?

I already try to copy of directory, but it not working - not all files was copied.
I´m not sure if there was some problem with access rights or running tvheadend services.
I will test again.


I recently backed up tvheadend and moved it it different vero4k, I just tar.gz(ed) it and then decompressed it on the other device and it all worked fine:

Edit: @JanS, @bmillham has just reminded me that tvheadend should be stopped to backup/restore, so the process should be:

To backup:

sudo systemctl stop tvheadend
cd ~
tar -czvf tvheadend-backup.tar.gz .hts
systemctl start tvheadend

To restore:

systemctl stop tvheadend
cd ~
rm -rf .hts
tar -xzvf tvheadend-backup.tar.gz
systemctl start tvheadend

The comand: rm -rf .hts will fail if restoring backup to fresh install.

Thanks Tom.


I’m a little late to this post, but the below linked wiki guide really helped me to just download the whole .hts directory over sftp, using Filezilla. Hope it helps someone else.