Hi everyone here. I am a new member of Raspberry and OSMC, too.
I know that we can control Rasp via TV control with CEC. I tried to tail kodi.log and find that It seems Rasp know that I am hitting a button from control, but don’t understand what it is.
So can you tell me how to train Rasp? I am using Rasp 2, with Toshia 47L2450 and I don’t know about linux and coding.
Thank you
There is a keymap editor add-on: http://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on:Keymap_Editor
Or you can do it manually: http://kodi.wiki/view/Keymaps
Oh, I tried that addon, after a while, osmc broke down and restart???
How about the firc file you can see in OSMC Setting - Remote? what diffences of firc file and keymap file? can I fix or change firc file that have in OSMC with the similar button of mine?
Thank you
up, anyone here can give me more info. thanks
You could try this how-to to see if it helps you.
Usually some of the keys will be mapped by default, so the trick is to note those and work out what the unmapped keys are giving by using the kodi.log.
You can then build up a remote.xml file in ~/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/ which contains your desired mappings.
It might be helpful if you had posted the logs when the keymap editor process broke down on you, so that we could determine whether something needs to be fixed.